
The self-hypnosis is the fact to hypnotize oneself by reaching a very deep level of relaxation, comparable to a trance state, also called unconscious state (I added an article for those who want more explanations).

But in which purpose people should practice it? First, it can be really useful for people who need to be more relaxed and to fight against the stress and anxiety for instance. In addition, when an individual is relaxed, a different part of the brain is activated. It becomes more easily influenced by suggestion (or autosuggestion if you do it by yourself). Thus, everyone can practice self-hypnosis to fight against all types of negative emotions, feelings and thoughts like the stress and anxiety for instance.

Benjamin Lubszynski is a psychotherapist and coach. He is also specialized in brief therapies. I followed a lot of videos which helped me to considerably work on some specific fields of my personality and my mind. You will find here some very good videos which will help you to understand how it works.

The first French video is an initiation to self-hypnosis. You can try it right now if you are curious and in a quiet place.

The second one is a session of self-hypnosis which is called « autogenous training of Schultz ». This technique focuses on different types of sensation (heat, weight, muscular tension) and specific parts of the human body to increase the level of relaxation and decrease the one of stress.

Lastly, this third video introduces another exercise based on concentration and autosuggestion. It is strongly linked to communication and Neuro-linguistic Programing (NLP). You will learn how doing efficient « anchorages » (association of a particular sensation with a gesture) to be in a good mood, to feel a tenacity feeling or to be simply relaxed. This short exercise has to be done frequently (almost everyday) to be efficient. But once it works, it helps people to reduce their own negative thoughts (read the second article if you are more interested by NLP).

L’autohypnose pour se relaxer
L’ancrage en PNL, c’est quoi ?